miércoles, 29 de septiembre de 2010

The new Internet

Displaying we are close to a new era of how we communicate and interact with our devices like mobile phones, cars, refrigerators, washing machines and more.
This new era of Internet is based on 4G networks. Today we find the 3G network but we have not been able to reach mobile phones have IP addresses. This can be realized with technology we have at our disposal as MIPv6, MPLS and Metro Ethernet. In applying these three technologies in a 3G or a 4G network soon be possible to arrive to your mobile phone have an IP address. The advantages of this implementation would be unimaginable, we could have our car our refrigerators our washing machine and any product that we wanted with an IP address. For example by having our car with an IPv6 address could have a website dedicated exclusively for our car, and if it was equipped with a good embedded system may have information on this page as: Kilometers, level of air in each tire, level of gasoline, oil level, brake fluid level, location of the car, and more. We could have a dedicated website for each of our devices, such as a page dedicated for mobile phone, with the number of minutes occupied, missed calls, messages that leave us and much more. But most interesting applications such as having our refrigerator with an embedded system that would connect to the refrigerator to Internet could have a Web page dedicated to our refrigerator, which tells us each of the products we have chilled.for this embedded system would have to work with RFID technology so we could know what we lack or what we buy, it could make planned purchases when we have out of stok and more. The possibilities are endless.
I believe that we will have this Internet within the next 10 years and change our way of life, as the technology to do that we have at our disposal

I invite you to answer the following question:

What device would you like to be connected to the Internet and thus able to access this from any computer from anywhere in the world?

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